Monday 11 March 2013


Thank you to all the volunteers who transcribe, do lookups, jump in to help others, take photos, etc. Our research would be much poorer without you.


  1. Absolutely agree. I have just been given a huge collection of research done pre-Internet days and it has made me realise how fortunate we are now to have so many indexes, transcriptions and digitised records thanks largely to volunteers. They and all the pre-internet researchers did all the hard work and I am very grateful to them.

    1. How wonderful that would be... in among the Fullertons, there wouldn't be any Goopys I suppose... ;-)

      I remember only too well trawling through dusty old books at the library and volumes of papers... no such thing as microfilms even where I lived. A lot of my early research came from newspapers and family letters...

      There are still so many great volunteers now... I appreciate their selflessness.


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